The following websites provide a general overview of the practice of physical and occupational therapy, as well as other local agencies of interest. Please feel free to contact us if you have concerns or questions that are not addressed here.
Physical Therapy Links
- American Physical Therapy Association: www.apta.org
- SC Board of Physical Therapy: www.llr.state.sc.us/POL/PhysicalTherapy
- SC Chapter of APTA: www.scapta.org
Occupational Therapy Links
Research Links
- Cochrane Review: www.cochrane.org
- APTA Hooked on Evidence (Subscription Site): www.hookedonevidence.org
- APTA Section on Research: www.ptresearch.org
- PT Journal Search Site: www.ptjournal.org/search.dtl
- PubMed / U.S. NIH free digital archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature:
General Links
- America Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons: www.aaos.org
- Medicare: www.medicare.gov
- National Athletic Trainers Association: www.nata.org
- National Strength and Conditioning Association: www.nsca-lift.org
- North American Sports Medicine Institute: www.rehabeducation.com
- Physician and Sports Medicine Online: www.physsportsmed.com
- SC Workers Compensation Commision: www.wcc.state.sc.us
- US Department of Education Bookshare Program: www.bookshare.org/web/welcome.html